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MBCP+™, the adapted matrix for tissue engineering

After the success of the European program REBORNE (FP7) focused on safety and efficacy of the Biomatlante matrix combined with autologous bone marrow expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), MBCP+™, made from our well-known MBCP Technology, was confirmed as the adapted matrix for tissue engineering and chosen for 2 new European research programs (H2020): MAXIBONE and ORTHOUNION.

The current challenge is to compare the clinical performances of this Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (MBCP+™/MSC) with autograft, considered as the gold-standard for bone reconstruction: MAXIBONE (150 patients) for bone augmentation in maxillofacial surgery before dental implant placement and ORTHOUNION (about 100 patients) focused on non-union after long bone fractures.

About MAXIBONE, Personalized maxillofacial bone regeneration
This European project aims at performing a multicenter clinical trial on 150 patients for bone augmentation in maxillofacial surgery prior to dental implants with autologous bone marrow expanded mesenchymal stem cells and biomaterials versus autologous bone grafting. Personalized 3D printed calcium phosphate biomaterials are also developed and in the R&D workpackage, a new optimized smart scaffold for cells and drugs combination will also be tested and developed.

The “ORTHOpaedic randomized clinical trial with expanded bone marrow MSC and bioceramics versus autograft in long bone nonUNIONs” (ORTHOUNION) is a 5 years project funded with 6M EUR by the EU H2020 programme, in the topic SCI-PM-11-2016-17: Clinical research on regenerative medicine.


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